Steam on Wheels LLC

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Sauna Hobbit Standard
$ 11,750*

*PLEASE NOTE that this price is for the kit itself only.
Delivery and assembly fees are NOT included and calculated separately depending on your location and needs.

Sauna Hobbit Standard
Easily seat 4–6 adults
$ 11,750*

*PLEASE NOTE that this price is for the kit itself only.
Delivery and assembly fees are NOT included and calculated separately depending on your location and needs.

Having a sauna after a strenuous workout or a long day at the office or just, well…. because, is one of the best ways to restore your soul, nourish your body and pump up your circulation. Studies are showing what some have known for centuries – saunas are great for you in every respect! Admit it. You’ve always wanted your own, right? Now you can.
Call our Customer Service Team for further details